14th April Covid-19 Update
14 April 2020
HPS Guidance Urgent Dental Care; CDO Volunteer Request; BDA Guidance
Please find below a summary of today’s Covid-19 news relevant to GDPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry update is available here.
- Health Protection Scotland have produced detailed guidance on ‘Infection Prevention and Control in Urgent Dental Care Settings during the period of COVID-19’
- Transmission Based Precautions (TBPs) are an additional layer of protection required when caring for a patient with a known or suspected infectious agent such as Covid-19, in specific circumstances. These are detailed in the document.
- The advice clarifies what procedures are being considered AGPs and the rationale behind these classifications, detailing the appropriate PPE that should be worn.
- “Procedures including examination, taking radiographs, using hand instruments, extractions and suction are not classed as AGPs and so standard infection control procedures and droplet precautions should be used for these.”
- “High speed dental drills are accepted as AGPs… Using high speed drills to open an access cavity or surgical high-speed drills to undertake surgical extraction of a tooth/ root will necessitate use of enhanced PPE”
- “The use of 3-in-1 syringes, ultrasonic scalers or other pieces of dental equipment powered by air compressor should be avoided at this time and should not be a reason to wear an FFP3 mask. However, if they are used as an adjunct to treatment with high speed drills, staff will already have donned PPE for AGPs.”
- The CDO has written to all dentists and their teams asking for volunteers
- You can now volunteer using the national portal (which appears to also be used for recruiting students and retirees).
- The likely roles that you might undertake are detailed in the last page of the letter.
- The BDA have produced an excellent guide on how to ‘Stay Safe’when travelling to and from potential Covid-19 sites
GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update 14th April
HPS Guidance
CDO Volunteer Request
BDA ‘Staying Safe Poster’