27th May GG&C LDC Update

27 May 2020

Phase 1 Implementation; Phase 2 Planning; Vaccination Volunteers

Today’s update from the GG&C Chief of Dentistry is available here. The LDC summary of the most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is:

    • Today’s CoD update indicates that Phase 1 of the CDO remobilisation plan is ready to go. We are of the understanding that as of Thursday 28th May GDPs are to start to use the new triage and referral form to access the extended range of treatments available at UDCCs. In Phase 1 Practices remain closed to face-to-face treatment,  providing telephone triage only.
    • Notably we can now refer in patients with ‘green’ level dental problems as described in the Evolving UDC Care document which is an adaptation of the SDCEP guidance on urgent care in phase s 2a and 2b
    • This document lists treatments that are now available which include:
      • Splinting/Dressing of deciduous and permanent teeth
      • Stoning/smoothing teeth
      • Recementing crowns/ inlays/ bridges
      • Denture repairs, additions and adjustments
      • Orthodontic appliance repairs
    • In line with these changes, GG&C have provided us with another updated triage and referral form that now requires you to rank the urgency of the required treatment using the Red, Amber or Green system in the Evolving UDC Care document
    • The next cohort of reassigned GDPs are being inducted into the service in order to bolster the workforce to cope with this demand and also maintain cover when PDS and HDS dentists are released to restart their own clinical services in Phase 2.
    • We would urge GDPs not to suddenly refer in 9 weeks worth of low level problems. The UDCCs will need time to adapt to the increase in referrals. In the first instance a sensible approach might be to only send in the new cases as they come in or, if absolutely necessary, some carefully selected cases that could be resolved in a single intervention.
    • GDPs should also be aware that at present patient payments at UDCCs have been suspended.
  2. GG&C PHASE 2a and 2b PLANNING
    • There have been a great many rumours circulating that Phase 2a (reopening of dental practices for nonAGP urgent dental care) may be starting much earlier than the CDO had indicated last week.
    • GG&C OHD have not made any official comment on the timing of this, but they have indicated that practices should be using this time to actively implement the SDCEP toolkit guidance so that they would be ready to go should there be an increased pacing of the CDO plan.
    • The availability of PPE remains the key factor setting the pace of recovery and remobilisation.
    • PPE is to be provided centrally and in sufficient quantities to ensure that each practice will be able to have 1 dentist, 1 nurse and 1 receptionist seeing up to 10 patients a day for nonAGP urgent care.
    • Once practices are open and handling their own nonAGP urgent dental care (Phase 2a) all of the existing UDCCs will move to providing AGPs only (where AGPs are currently only available at the GDH site). GDPs will continue to triage and refer all AGP cases in Phase 2a and 2b.
    • The AGPs will be performed mainly by GDPs at UDCCs and therefore there will be a significant commitment required from GDPs to manage this.
    • Every practice (or buddy grouping of smaller practices) is likely to be asked to consider having at least one dentist assigned to a UDCC providing AGPs while the remainder of the GDPs in that unit maintain a triage and nonAGP urgent dental care service as per the Phase 2a and 2b plan. The board are consulting with the LDC on the practicalities of this plan at present.
    • The LDC would strongly encourage all GDPs in Glasgow  to band together and make this system work.
    • We have assurances that our NHS funding will continue throughout and we are expecting further communication from the CDO in the days ahead.
    • We are working closely with our PDS colleagues to gain insight into ‘what works and what doesn’t’ when trying to provide urgent care without exposure-prone AGPs.
    • Today’s CoD update again reiterates the advice that practices with a list number in GG&C who have their CPI provided by the board should follow the CDO advice on staying closed during Phase 1.
    • Dentists and DCPs who have been working in Covid-19 clinical areas are eligible to take part in the second phase of the Oxford University Covid Vaccine trial.
    • For more information and to register your interest, please visit the University of Oxford’s website: https://www.covid19vaccinetrial.co.uk/participate-glasgow
    • Every dentist with a list number in GG&C can and should have an active LDC levy mandate.
    • It is important to note that if you have moved practice or changed list number your mandate is no longer active and you should sign a new one with each change.
    • If you are not sure if you are supporting the LDC then please email the LDC and ask. Alternatively, you can just complete another mandate (duplications are picked up at our end and there will be no ‘doubling up’ of levies). The process is entirely online and takes no more than a minute.

GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update 27th May
Updated Triage and Referral form (27th May version)
Evolving UDC Care document
CDO Letter: Remobilisation of NHS Dental Services in Scotland