Lindsay Milton (Glasgow South)
I have been a hands on practice owner and principal of a committed NHS practice for 27 years in Crookston on the south side of Glasgow. I am a VT Trainer currently in my 16th year of training, a Practice Inspector for Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board and am currently chair elect for the Conference of Scottish Local Dental Committees. In addition I am an Enhanced Skills Practitioner in Domiciliary Care and I worked for NHS24 during the early stages of the pandemic.
The wide variety of these roles means that I interact with practice owners, VTs and both experienced and less experienced colleagues in different areas of general dental practice on a regular basis. This keeps me informed as to the issues which are causing concern for practitioners and those they feel require to be raised in a formal setting.
Having been a member of the LDC for the past 6 years I have gained considerable insight and experience which I have used to engage in constructive discussion when required for the benefit of all colleagues working in practice. I would ask for your vote in order that I can continue to do so in this continuing period of uncertainty, challenge and change.