Office Bearers
We bring together years of experience and hours of dedication. Meet the team at the GG&C LDC.
Greater Glasgow & Clyde Local Dental Committee is run by a team of up to 30 elected dentists from across the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. You can find contact details for your local area representatives in the drop down menu of the constituencies page.
A note from our Chair
It is my privilege to take over as Chair of Greater Glasgow and Clyde LDC from Josephine Weir who worked tirelessly for the past three years when leading this committee as the profession faced the immense challenges which the Covid pandemic brought before us. Having moved forward from that crisis we are now meeting another one head on with the imminent introduction of Determination 1. With concerns relating to funding, laboratory costs, dentist and staff shortages adding to the drive towards an improved work/life balance by many, almost all practices will face a potentially worrying and challenging future as they go forward.
In addition to this matter the LDC will continue to support the profession in all relevant areas of dentistry by engaging with the appropriate people to achieve the best outcome that we can. Subsequently as previously stated by Josephine I would encourage every GDP in Greater Glasgow and Clyde to sign the mandate to ensure that we are in the strongest position possible to do so.
Lindsay C. Milton

Here are our office bearers for 2023-24

Colin Millar - General Secretary
Colin is a practising solicitor who graduated from Glasgow University in 1989. He has worked at various commercial law firms in Glasgow since graduating and is now a partner at Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie LLP. He specialises in corporate and commercial law.
He has been the General Secretary of the GG&C LDC since 2014. He is responsible for the administration of the Committee including the organisation of its meetings, ensuring it operates within the terms of its constitution, annual elections and liaison with bodies such as the OHD to ensure its smooth running.

Lindsay C Milton - Chair
Lindsay Milton qualified from Glasgow University in 1994 and completed the MJDF in 2019. He works as an Associate in the south side of Glasgow having recently sold the practice after many years as owner and principal. He is a Practice Inspector for Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board and is an Enhanced Skills Practitioner in Domiciliary Care. He also undertakes a variety of roles for the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses. He has been a member of Greater Glasgow and Clyde Local Dental Committee since 2014 and served as Chair of the Conference of Scottish Local Dental Committees from 2022-2023 following several years of service on the Conference Agenda Committee.

David McColl - vice chair
David graduated from Glasgow University in 1987 and runs a predominantly NHS practice in Govanhill.
He is Vice Chair of GGC LDC, Past Chair of GGC ADC and the current chair of SDPC. He is also on the BDA UK Pensions Committee and a board member of the Scottish Public Pensions Authority (SPPA).
He enjoys cycling, tennis and mountaineering and is also a qualified mindfulness instructor.

Judith Brady - Treasurer

Martin McKinstry - Dental Secretary
Martin is the Dental Secretary for GGC LDC and is a practice owner and VT trainer, based in Govan. He holds a Membership in Advanced General Dental Surgery and Diploma in Implant Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and associate Fellowship of the College of General Dentistry.

Liaison Sub Committee
Chaired by Martin Mckinstry the Liaison Sub Committee includes, Elizabeth Glass, Judth Brady, Alex Paton, Melissa Auvary and Paul Ewins.