16th April Covid-19 Update

16 April 2020

Testing Update; Clinical Waste; NHS Louisa Jordan

Please find below a summary of today’s Covid-19 news relevant to GDPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry updateis available here.

    • Yesterday’s GG&C Core Brief set out the testing arrangements for NHS staff (including dentists and DCPs) who have been self-isolating because they, or a household member, has displayed symptoms of Covid-19.
    • Testing centres are now fully operational but widespread testing has not yet commenced.
    • If GDPs or DCPs are to due to be redeployed, and are self-isolating due to their own symptoms (fever of ≥37.8 C or new persistent cough) or those of a household member should now be referred for testing via their line managers (principal dentist / practice owner / practice manager) using the eform available here.  All testing is on an appointment-only basis following eform referral.
    • Testing needs to be carried out within the first 5 days of symptoms so timely referrals are critical.
    • The LDC have interpreted the guidance such that it would apply to dentists or DCPs who have volunteered to be redeployed in the coming weeks and are due to start imminently. Those who are not volunteering should follow the standard advice on NHS Inform.
    • Click here for a series of FAQs on testing.
    • The Chief of Dentistry Update expects that practices should no longer have any residual clinical waste. If this is not the case then contact should be made with GDS admin as per the letter.

GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update 16th April