31st January 2022 LDC Update

31 January 2022

  1. 1F EXAM AND SDR 154
    • From Tuesday 1 February 2022, SDR 154 will come in to effect as per the recent PCA from the Chief Dental Officer
    • You should check for PMS updates to ensure your claims are not rejected later.
    • The new standard 1f(i) Examination code should be claimed for allpatients undergoing an examination. 
      • The code carries a fee of £14.85
      • This replaces 1(a) and 1(b) exams
      • This code should now be claimed at all ages (including capitation patients)
      • The narrative requires that the dentists’ report be more detailed than previously, and should include:
        • Medical history update, relevant dental history, charting of missing/present teeth, soft tissue examination, caries risk, basic periodontal examination and/or periodontal charting, oral hygiene status, any relevant non-carious tooth surface loss, information regarding habits (behavior and dietary, to include tobacco/smoking and alcohol use).
    • The annual childsmile fees have been simplified into high risk SIMD (£18.60) and low risk SIMD (£6.10) across all age groups.
    • The above now incorporate the diet and tbi codes that existed previously.
    • These are now claimable annually between 0 and 17 years of age.
    • Fluoride varnish (£7.25) can now be claimed ages 2 to 12 every 5 months.
    • Radiographs can now be claimed on children under capitation.
    • The LDC have produced a useful guide to which codes to claim and when, which can be downloaded and printed.
  2. GP234
    • Practices are required to submit form GP234 to Practitioner Services by 28 February 2022.
    • SG are now reinstating the pre-pandemic arrangements that all practices require to return a declaration of the proportion that their practice’s total earnings, in their most recent financial year, was attributable to NHS earnings.
    • A copy of the form can be downloaded here.
    • The form should be certified by the practice accountant.
      • Any practice that has already made self-certified returns should arrange for a further copy of their form to be appropriately certified by their accountant and resubmit to Practitioner Services.
    • The LDC’s AGM will be held THIS WEDNESDAY EVENING 18:30
    • All dentists with a GG&C list number can attend but advance booking is essential as the attendance links are unique to each booking.
    • LDC business on the agenda:
      • Update from the Chair
      • Update from the Treasurer
      • Vote on constitutional amendments
      • Guest speakers
        • Deputy CDO Gillian Leslie
        • Chair of SDPC David McColl
        • Chief of Dentistry GG&C Lee Savarrio
      • Motions for the upcoming conference of Scottish LDCs (April 22 2022)
    • The annual elections to GG&C LDC have commenced. You should have received nomination papers to the email associated with your GGC list number. 
    • All nominations must be in by 5pm on Friday 11 February
    • We continue to be under-represented in the Glasgow North seats 
      • We would strongly encourage all dentists with an interest in dental politics to consider standing for the LDC.
      • It is an excellent gateway into the broader dental political arena.
      • Successful candidates will also be able to represent at the national Conference of Scottish LDCs, which sets the national political agenda for GDPs.
    • Struggling to clear your backlog?
    • Too many patients who need NHS work with lab costs associated?
    • The undergraduate clinics at the dental school are short of patients, such as:
      • Tier 1 restorative including first attempt endo and simple crown/bridge (not bound by SDR rules – tooth coloured restorations at no cost)
      • Tier 1 chromes and acrylics
      • Tier 1 and some Tier 2 perio cases.
    • The referral criteria, wait times, referral forms and more information are found on their website.
    • Alternatively, call 0141 211 9656.