2nd September GG&C LDC Update
Local Lockdown; FFP3 Masks; VT; Flu Vaccinations LOCAL LOCKDOWN On Tuesday 1st September the First Minister announced a ‘local lockdown‘ in Glasgow City, West Dunbartonshire and East Renfrewshire. This began at midnight and is to last 2 weeks (with weekly reviews) The temporary restrictions are summarised in a recent GG&C core brief. Assuming the precedent set in…
Read More10th August GG&C LDC Update
Fallow Time; SDR 147; PPE for AGPs; Contact Tracing PHASE 3b A PCA Memorandum was sent out on Friday 7th August setting out how we will be able to deliver NHS AGPs (for those practices that are willing and able) during what is commonly being described as ‘Phase 3b’. From 17th August 2020 NHS AGPs may be provided in…
Read More30th July GG&C LDC Update
AGPs for Urgent Care; Face Fit Testing; Staff Health Risk Assessments AGPs FOR URGENT CARE IN PRACTICE The CDO wrote to dental practices today to announce a move towards AGPs in practice. From 17th August 2020 NHS AGPs may be provided in practice for Urgent Dental Care only. Health Board notification/approval will be required before undertaking AGPs for NHS…
Read More16th July GG&C LDC Update
Additional Surgeries; Face Coverings; Private Dental Care; Routine Referrals ADDITIONAL SURGERIES Yesterday’s Chief of Dentistry update is available here A new webropol survey will soon be sent to your Practice Generic Inbox to allow for Phase 3 Self-Declarations. It will gather information about: Additional surgeries Routine treatments Numbers of patients Additional surgeries will require ‘sign off’ and the webropol…
Read More13th July GG&C LDC Update
Phase 3 Implementation; Routine Care; Glasgow Fair Monday PHASE 3 BEGINS On 9th July the CDO confirmed that from Monday 13th July Phase 3 of the re-mobilisation plan will begin. On the same day we received an update from the GG&C Chief of Dentistry hinting at some of the preparations GG&C were making in anticipation of this. On 10th July a PCA from Scottish Government…
Read More24th June GG&C LDC Update
Phase 2 Implementation; Urgent Dental Care Definition; SDR Triage Codes; Phase 3 Start Date The 24th June GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update is now available here. A letter from the CDO notifying us of the Phase 3 start date is available here. PHASE 2 IMPLEMENTATION On 15th June the CDO sent out a PCA to accompany…
Read More16th June LDC Update
CDO Letter; Emergency SDR; Extirpating Molars; NES Returning to Practice FAQs CDO LETTER – PCA(D)(2020)9 On 15th June the CDO sent out a PCA to accompany an emergency SDR. The expectation is that the First Minister will move us into Phase 2 of the SG Routemap on Thursday 18th June. This means that practices will be able to start opening to see…
Read More8th June GG&C LDC Update
CDO Letter; Renumbered Phases; UDCC ‘Rejected Referrals’ The LDC summary of the most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is below: CDO LETTER Today, the CDO sent an update which linked the opening of NHS Dental Practices to the Scottish Government overarching Route Map stating that we go back when they announce Phase 2. The National Status is due to…
Read More4th June GG&C LDC Update
Reopening Practices; PPE Packages; Emergency Care Summaries; Furlough and SISS Today’s update from the GG&C Chief of Dentistry is available here. The LDC summary of the most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is: CDO LETTER – NO FURTHER UPDATES No further update from the Chief Dental Officer has arrived since ‘Remobilisation of NHS Dental Services in…
Read More27th May GG&C LDC Update
Phase 1 Implementation; Phase 2 Planning; Vaccination Volunteers Today’s update from the GG&C Chief of Dentistry is available here. The LDC summary of the most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is: GG&C PHASE 1 IMPLEMENTATION Today’s CoD update indicates that Phase 1 of the CDO remobilisation plan is ready to go. We are of…
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