Posts by Simon
1st July 2022 LDC update
6th April 2022 LDC update
LDC MANDATES Only a third of the GDPs in GG&C actively support their LDC. Every single dentist has a vested interest in the activities of their elected representatives. The more support we have, the stronger a voice we have. Please take the time to complete a mandate to support the continued work of GG&C LDC. The process is entirely…
Read More22nd March 2022 LDC Update
Please download/print our new GGC Contact List and 1f Childsmile Code Guide URGENT: DENTAL SUSTAINABILITY FUNDING The LDC have been working closely and collaboratively with the board to ensure additional funding allocated to GG&C is not lost. The GG&C deadline for submitting notes of interest for additional funding is THIS FRIDAY (25th March 2022) The board need to know…
Read More4th March 2022 LDC Update
INTERIM FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS On 2nd March 2022 the Scottish Government wrote to dental practitioners to inform us of the interim funding arrangements from April 1st As we understand it: The Covid FSM ‘Top Up’ will cease at the end of March (paid in April). From April 1st this will be replaced with a ‘multiplier’ to the Item of Service (IoS) fees that…
Read More31st January 2022 LDC Update
1F EXAM AND SDR 154 From Tuesday 1 February 2022, SDR 154 will come in to effect as per the recent PCA from the Chief Dental Officer You should check for PMS updates to ensure your claims are not rejected later. The new standard 1f(i) Examination code should be claimed for allpatients undergoing an examination. The code carries a fee…
Read More11th January 2022 LDC Update
NEW ISOLATION AND RETURN TO WORK GUIDANCE From 6th January 2022, Scottish Government altered the guidance for self-isolation as detailed in this policy document. GG&C HB have produced a summary guide to isolation and returning to work. They have also provided a useful checklist to complete when practices are considering a team member’s return to work. GG&C RAG STATUS Staff shortages due to omicron…
Read More8th December 2021 LDC Update
UPDATED IPC GUIDANCE The CDO wrote to dental practices on 7th December 2021 confirming that primary care dentistry will adopt the Scottish ARHAI guidance on Infection Prevention and Control. This essentially means there is little practical change to how AGPs are approached in General Dental Practice. This is because this Scotland specific guidance requires a negative PCR test within 48 hours of an AGP to…
Read MoreGG&C LDC Political Update
We as the Local Dental Committee (LDC) link closely with the Scottish Dental Practice Committee (SDPC). Some of our LDC committee members are also elected national representatives. SDPC recently met with the Chief Dental Officer (CDO) and Scottish Government (SG) and have relayed worrying news back to the LDC. It is our understanding that Scottish Government…
Read More11th October 2021 GG&C LDC Update
COP 26 Glasgow SEC will be hosting the UN Climate Change Conference 2021 (Conference of Parties 26) between 31st October and 12th November. Delegations from over 200 countries will be in attendance, including 120 heads of state and the Queen. Various climate activists such as David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg will also be in attendance. Some 25,000 visitors are expected in the…
Read More24th August LDC Update
Free Dentistry 18-25 year olds; Red Band Handpieces
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