COVID-19 Update: GDS Financial Support Package
17 March 2020
All Scottish NHS GDS providing dentists, please see the attachments below which include a covering letter and urgent memoranda from the Chief Dental Officer released late this evening (17th March 2020).
The documents contain some very positive news in terms of financial sustainability for NHS committed dental practices. Further clarifications are being sought, however it appears we will have our schedules ‘topped up’ to reflect 90% of our average income over the last year (clarification is being sought as to how the ‘patient charge’ component is being dealt with, it is as yet unclear as to whether the top-ups will fill this void to bring us up to our average ‘gross’ as reflected in line 40 or whether this means it will continue to reflect our DSS remission less the patient charge). This will be maintained throughout the worst of this crisis. There are caveats and commitments that you must adhere to. It appears to be the case that these are to be seen as grants without any indication that the ‘top-ups’ will be clawed back later. It appears to be the case that all commitment payments, practice allowances and rent reimbursement will continue as normal.
It appears that we are to make further changes to how we see patients. The major change seems to be the need to cease all aerosol generating procedures unless in an emergency. Clarification as to what this would include is being sought (assume this means that High-Speed hand-pieces and Ultrasonic Scalers should not be used… question marks remain as to whether the 3-in-1 water-spray is acceptable).
GG&C LDC are continuing to liaise with the SDPC and BDA reps who are fighting our corner very hard at this difficult time. CHECK YOUR NHS GENERIC INBOX REGULARLY.
CDO Letter – COVID-19 Response – 17 March 2020
PCA(D)(2020)6 – COVID-19 Guidance – 17 March 2020
PCA(D)(2020)6 – COVID-19 Guidance – Memorandum – 17 March 2020