PSD Arrears Update
17 December 2018
From Nicola Kaya, BDA:
Martin Morrison has informed me this morning that in November there are two items under the SDR that PSD must action:
- Fees to be paid following the pay increase Actioned
- Nov paid Dec schedules should account for the pay arrears from Apr-Oct 2018 Not completed
Martin has said that PSD made their calculations in the usual way, but for some reason the file used did not process correctly with the arrear payments.
PSD will now make an additional payment outwith the e-schedule and it is anticipated this will be paid on Thursday 20 Dec 2018, the same date as the e-schedules are due. PSD must now gather all of their data in order to be able to process it by tomorrow evening. If this too, should fail, the arrears will be paid on Friday 21 Dec 2018. By doing this no GDP will be disadvantaged by the process failure.
Since this payment is not being made via Midas, no superannuation will be deducted in December, so PSD will take back the money in January in order to superannuate correctly. You will find more money in your account for December as a consequence. There is an added issue that the payment will fall in two separate financial quarters, but PSD will correct this in the New Year.
A letter will be issued by PSD explaining in more detail all of the above. Once payment has been made PSD will investigate why this process failed.
Kind Regards
Nicola Kaya
Policy Adviser / Secretary to SDPC and
Secretary to Conference of Scottish LDCs