16th April Covid-19 Update
Testing Update; Clinical Waste; NHS Louisa Jordan Please find below a summary of today’s Covid-19 news relevant to GDPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry updateis available here. GG&C STAFF TESTING Yesterday’s GG&C Core Brief set out the testing arrangements for NHS staff (including dentists and DCPs) who have been self-isolating because…
Read More15th April Covid-19 Update
Ibuprofen and Covid-19; Write to your MP Please find below a summary of today’s Covid-19 news relevant to GDPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry update is available here. IBUPROFEN AND COVID-19 The Commission of Human Medicines (CHM) have produced a response on Ibuprofen/NSAIDs and the rumours of its impact on Covid-19.…
Read More14th April Covid-19 Update
HPS Guidance Urgent Dental Care; CDO Volunteer Request; BDA Guidance Please find below a summary of today’s Covid-19 news relevant to GDPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry update is available here. HPS GUIDANCE URGENT DENTAL CARE Health Protection Scotland have produced detailed guidance on ‘Infection Prevention and Control in Urgent Dental…
Read More9th April Covid-19 Update
CDO Letter Mixing Financial Support; Easter Monday Pharmacies; GDC Update Please find below a summary of today’s Covid-19 news relevant to GDPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. If you are not receiving these by email then you can subscribe here. CDO LETTER You will likely have received a copy of a PCA from the Scottish Chief…
Read More8th April Covid-19 Update
Easter Pharmacy; PPE in PDS Hubs; BDA Financial Support Summary Please find below a summary of today’s Covid-19 news relevant to GDPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. If you are not receiving these by email then you can subscribe here. PHARMACY COVER AT EASTER The Chief of Dentistry update reiterates that NHS 24 are no longer…
Read More7th April Covid-19 Update
NHS 24 Easter Cover Cancelled; Indemnity Arrangements for Redeployment Included below is the most recent GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update. The most relevant information is summarised below: DENTAL PRACTICES TO MAINTAIN TRIAGE PROTOCOL ON GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER MONDAY DURING WORKING HOURS NHS 24 will not be in a position to cover calls for registered dental patients on…
Read More5th April Covid 19 Update
5th April Covid-19 Update (Remote Prescribing Guidance and GG&C Pharmacy List; Updated GG&C Triage Guidance) Most of you will have received the GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update on Friday night, which was accompanied by a number of other documents. The most relevant information is summarised below: PHARMACY – INTERIM ARRANGEMENTS The Interim Arrangements for Dental…
Read MoreClarifications from the CDO: Sustainability and Aerosols
There has been a new update from the CDO this evening (18th March 2020) that aims to give the clarifications around the sustainability uplift and the definition of aerosols. The letter is attached below. As feared, the 90% sustainability uplift is not adjusted to take into account the fact the patients are not actually in…
Read MoreCOVID-19 Update: GDS Financial Support Package
All Scottish NHS GDS providing dentists, please see the attachments below which include a covering letter and urgent memoranda from the Chief Dental Officer released late this evening (17th March 2020). The documents contain some very positive news in terms of financial sustainability for NHS committed dental practices. Further clarifications are being sought, however it…
Read MoreUrgent Communications around COVID19
COVID19 and Quality Improvement 1. CHECK YOUR EMAIL REGULARLY IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU REGULARLY CHECK YOUR PRACTICE NHS GENERIC EMAIL ADDRESS AS ALL **OFFICIAL** COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE DIRECTED HERE. Associates and DCPs are not sent this information directly so it is incumbent on the person who has access to these emails to disseminate this…
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