Oral Health Assessment and the OHIP… Respond Now!
SDCEP are reviewing their guidance on ‘Oral Health Assessment’ (the all-singing-all-dancing super-checkup some of you may remember from a pilot run a few years ago) and they are looking for GDP participation in a survey. This matters to GDPs because it will directly inform the development of the next phase of the OHIP, changing the…
Read MoreUndergraduate Patient Recruitment
The University of Glasgow Dental School is currently recruiting patients for free NHS dental treatment by BDS students. Motivated patients in need of routine dentistry, with time to attend appointments, are required. Currently we are looking for patients suitable for routine dental treatment by BDS 3 students. Simple cases requiring caries and periodontal management, extractions,…
Read MoreAre you paying too much tax?
Many of you will be aware that in Scotland we pay higher rates of tax than the rest of the UK, but there is a little stealth tax appearing on the horizon which everyone needs to be aware of. On your NHS schedule of payments you will see your superannuation contributions ( shown on account…
Read MoreOral Health Improvement Plan: Update
The Scottish Government Oral Health Improvement Plan (OHIP) was launched on 24th January 2018, following a period of consultation from September 2016. The main themes are: 1. Prevention; 2. Addressing oral health inequalities; 3. Meeting the needs of an ageing population; 4. Expanding the range of services in GDS; 5. Improving patient information; 6. Quality; 7. Workforce; It is envisaged that working…
Read MoreGP Sub and LDC Elections 2018
GP Sub Committee (and Local Dental Committee) Elections 2018 All dentists with a Greater Glasgow and Clyde list number should now have received nomination papers for the ‘GP Sub-Committee (GPSC or GP Sub) of the Area Dental Committee’ and ‘Local Dental Committee (LDC)’ election. It details those representatives coming to the end of their three-year…
Read MoreNew Ionising Radiation Regulations IRR17 and IRMER18
IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED All dental practices working with Ionising Radiation must ‘apply to register’ with HSE by 5th February 2015. You must apply whether or not you have informed HSE of your status prior to 1st January 2018 Dental Practices are only required to complete the ‘Registration’ section as they are considered ‘intermediate risk’ (Notification…
Read MoreNew NHS Complaints Procedures for Dental Practices
Following on from the introduction of the Patient Rights Act (Scotland) 2011, changes are being introduced to procedures dealing with NHS complaints in Scotland, which will affect all practices providing NHS dental care. The changes will take effect from 1st April 2017 and practices must have updated procedures in place by then It will align…
Read MoreFinancial Sustainability of NHS Dentistry Under Threat
The British Dental Association today highlighted a 35% collapse in earnings which is undermining the future of NHS dentistry. It is described as the biggest crisis in the dental profession in over 10 years and patient care is expected to suffer as a result, with practices facing bankruptcy through spiralling costs, and many dentists retiring…
Read MoreScottish Government Consultation on the Future of Oral Health
The Government will be launching a consultation on the review of NHS general dental services on the 15th of September 2016, for a period of three months. There will be extensive consultation, with 11 roadshows around Scotland between 3rd October and 17th November and a series of meetings with stakeholders. All GDPs are encouraged to…
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