20th May GG&C LDC Update
Phased Return to Practice; Mixed Practices; Covid Symptoms Update; GDC ARF Today’s update from the GG&C Chief of Dentistry is available here. Today’s letter from the CDO: ‘Remobilisation of NHS Dental Services in Scotland’ is also now available. The LDC summary of the most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is: CDO LETTER – PHASED RETURN TO…
Read More17th May GG&C LDC Update
Schedules; PSD FAQs; SDCEP Survey The most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is: SCHEDULES The April paid May schedules are now available to see and download. PSD have been unable to make these accessible beyond an NHS SWAN networked computer. However, if you are able remotely access your practice computers you should be able to then…
Read More13th May GG&C LDC Update
SDCEP Drugs Update; Duraphat Prescriptions; Furlough Extension; PSD Calculations Please follow this link to access yesterday’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update.Remember, all the updates and official advice specific to Glasgow are available on the GG&C NHS website. The most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is: SDCEP DRUGS UPDATE SDCEP has updated the Drugs for Management of Dental Problems…
Read More8th May GG&C LDC Update
PDS Hub FAQs; 25th May Holiday; Interpreters; Remote Prescribing Please follow this link to access today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update. Remember, all the updates and official advice specific to Glasgow are available on the GG&C NHS website. The most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is: PDS HUB FAQs The Chief of Dentistry Update includes a list of frequently…
Read More5th May Covid-19 Update
Self Referral for Testing; 8th May Holiday; LDC Activity Please follow this link to access today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update. Remember, all the updates and official advice specific to Glasgow are available on the GG&C NHS website. The most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is: NO NHS 24 COVER FOR FRIDAY 8TH MAY This is just a…
Read More29th April Covid-19 Update
Updated Referral Form; Recovery Plan; No CPDA Please follow this link to access today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update. Remember, all the updates and official advice specific to Glasgow are available on the GG&C NHS website. The most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is: UPDATED REFERRAL FORM FOR SPECIAL CARE HUBS We were notified in yesterday’s Chief of…
Read More27th April Covid-19 Update
No NHS 24 Cover for May Public Holiday Please follow this link to access today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update. The most relevant news affecting GG&C GDPs today is: DENTAL PRACTICES TO MAINTAIN TRIAGE PROTOCOL ON MONDAY 4th MAY AND FRIDAY 8th MAY DURING WORKING HOURS NHS 24 will not be in a position to cover calls for registered dental…
Read More24th April Covid-19 Update
SDCEP Surgery Shutdown Guidance; Reassignment Please find below a summary of today’s Covid-19 news relevant to GDPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry updateis available here. Remember, all of the local updates and guidance can be found on GG&Cs ‘for dentists’ page. SDCEP GUIDE TO SURGERY SHUT DOWN As part of their…
Please find below a summary of today’s Covid-19 news relevant to GDPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. If you have not already seen it please read today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry Update as it contains important information on changes to the referral process for GG&C dental emergencies. NEW REFERRAL PROTOCOL FOR DENTAL EMERGENCIES From Thursday 23rd April…
Read More20th April Covid-19 Update
Schedules; Furlough; App Please find below a summary of today’s Covid-19 news relevant to GDPs in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Today’s GG&C Chief of Dentistry update is available here. SCHEDULES PSD made March paid April NHS Schedule payments today. There were a number of issues with practices’ NHS connection today. PSD sent out a comm stating…
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